Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This is my project of combining two animals and putting them into one, also known as a "newimal" or a "hybrid" animal. In this picture, I combined a bear and a kangaroo, and my thoughts on this picture are that it looks amazing and it was pretty easy. I feel that this piece was successful, and that most of everything that I did in this picture worked out. The only thing that didn't work is the blending between the bear head and the kangaroo's body. If I did this project over again, I would take just a little more time blending the bear head and the kangaroo's body. The most difficult part was the blending of the two layers, even though it might look good at a glance, you can see where I took the cloning tool right by the bears neck. I have learned how to blend two things together almost seamlessly, and how to clone flawlessly.

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