Friday, January 27, 2012

Frog Tongue

This is my "frog tongue" project, and my thoughts on this piece of work were better than my last picture. Not only was this picture more fun to make than the pancake picture, but i could actually use something like this in school (not the tongue itself but the "cloning stamp" tool). I feel that this picture was extremely successful in the fact that it looks realistic and cool at the same time. I feel that the cloning worked well enough to make it look believable, however I feel that the lighting did not work because I think I put to much lighting into the tongue. If I were to do this project again, the only thing I would change is the lighting on the tongue and I would also blend the frog in with the tongue a little bit better. The most difficult part about this was trying to make the clone look good, but in the end I learned about cloning, the dodge tool, and the burn tool.

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