Monday, January 30, 2012

Brick Bike

In this picture, I have done the exact same thing as I did in the picture below. This picture features a random black bike that I took off the internet and I placed a brick texture over it. I feel that this piece is better than the cow splatter, because the overall look of this picture is more "grunge" and looks a whole lot better in my opinion.

Paint Cow

This is my cow with fake paint splats all over him. My thoughts on this piece is that it is an amazing piece because it looks like the paint is actually on the animal, and not edited in with Photoshop. I feel that this piece is extremely successful, and I feel this project worked because it was a very easy project and was done in a matter of minutes, plus it looks extremely professional. I feel that I should have went back and filled in the entire animal with paint splatters. The most difficult part about this task was using the "wave" tool to shape the paint around the animal, and I have learned how to successful warp and erase to get to the paint where something looks like it is "wrapped" around something else.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Cloning Yourself

In this photo, I took four separate pictures of myself while the camera was on a tripod, and I put them together and merged them into one. I feel that this picture is my best so far and it looks professional. I feel that the cloning worked and that everything tied together and looks great in the end, and I have nothing negative to say about it. If I were to do this project again, I would choose better poses and find a better background to shoot the photos at, but for what we had this looks pretty good. The most difficult part of this wasn't the photoshop work, it was actually choosing which place to stand, but in the end, it all worked out and I learned how to make yourself look cloned.

Frog Tongue

This is my "frog tongue" project, and my thoughts on this piece of work were better than my last picture. Not only was this picture more fun to make than the pancake picture, but i could actually use something like this in school (not the tongue itself but the "cloning stamp" tool). I feel that this picture was extremely successful in the fact that it looks realistic and cool at the same time. I feel that the cloning worked well enough to make it look believable, however I feel that the lighting did not work because I think I put to much lighting into the tongue. If I were to do this project again, the only thing I would change is the lighting on the tongue and I would also blend the frog in with the tongue a little bit better. The most difficult part about this was trying to make the clone look good, but in the end I learned about cloning, the dodge tool, and the burn tool.

Angry Pancake

My thoughts on my "angry pancake" are that it looks like a mouth is actually on the pancake. I feel that this piece looks one-hundred percent successful because it looks flawless and perfect from the blueberry eyes down to the fish mouth. I feel that everything worked with this project because I finished it in phenomenal time and I also have made it look very nice. If I were to do this project over again, I would find a better, scarier looking mouth and a higher resolution picture for the pancake itself. The most difficult part about completing this picture is that at when I first saw the picture, I thought to myself, "How am I going to do this?", but in the end I learned how to stretch the photo out and insert/blend the mouth.